Leaving high school | Teen Ink

Leaving high school

March 21, 2016
By mfernandez31 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
mfernandez31 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Immaculata La Salle I'll miss you
Life is bound to stop being so simple
It will be the year's hardest adieu
All the memories will show my dimples You have always treated me truly great Seeing other faces won't be the same Creating a new life is everyone's fate

I'll keep all of my pictures in a frame
At La Salle I've learned who I am
I met many people who have changed me Even today I call them my true fam
I'll miss you that's the hard reality
Now I say one time for my AP sisters We've learned to educate these misters

The author's comments:

I love my school! 

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