Two Sonnets | Teen Ink

Two Sonnets

March 16, 2016
By Libster GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
Libster GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Loving Her

There is something different about you
it was apparent when I saw your face;
I could see future in you, a love true,
and I knew by you I would find my place.
Time flew by, our lives spun, but we held on
to the magic we made as one, entwined
in a dance and swirling in a new dawn;
to darkness, the outside world we were blind.
The world called us taboo, fought against us;
we tried not to let it break through our walls;
your beautiful soul meant more than their fuss
to me and we fought to block out their calls.
Demons, critics, we’ll face it together,
we’ll take anything, we’ll be forever.

Losing Her

On nights like these I find myself alone,
no shield from the wind so bitter and cold
that pairs with the loneliness in my bones,
and my heart desires you for me to hold.
The memories bittersweet melodies;
together we were a beautiful dance,
any other love merely parodies
your beauty, of which I saw just a glance.
Now your wonderful shines on another,
your grace like Aphrodite was once mine;
while in these memories I may smother,
I still hope your light continues to shine.
With your shrinking silhouette’s back to me,
know no other can replace your beauty.

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