Happy Lies | Teen Ink

Happy Lies

March 1, 2016
By Eesha BRONZE, Brampton, Other
Eesha BRONZE, Brampton, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A motivational and cheerful friend,
She will support me ‘till the very end.
For when spirit is low and stakes are high,
She assures me celebrations are nigh.

But when I fail and finally break down,
I plummet and sink, beginning to drown.
Spinning and whirling and gasping for breath,
She abates my fear, leads me to my death.

I shouldn’t have listened, relaxed so soon.
Should have kicked my feet longer, faced my doom.

And now if I abandon Hope forever,
I’ll spring back from the pull of our hidden tether.
So knowing these limits I’ve tried to be wise
and forbid my ears from Her happy lies.

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