Journey | Teen Ink


February 22, 2016
By donttrustheather BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
donttrustheather BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be the change you wish to see in the world -ghandi

She woke up with light eyes and a heavy heart.
Peering through the light of the window, she stared.
Sitting up on her bed in the dim light of sunrise, she saw the crack of the door, and glared.
In that hallway that connected her family in different pieces, she knew her life was falling apart.
Far away from what she’s ever known, a learning journey churned in her future.
As her two worlds clashed in front of her, the swords striking and the bombs blasting,
Pain in the eternal stitching of a human mind is everlasting;
Some things can’t be healed like a wound with a suture.
Broken words fill broken minds, yells and screams are all she can comprehend.
Sorrow encompasses her world for ten years as her childhood disappears from existence.
Waterfalls stream from her eyes, blood sheds from her body, dissipating her wall of resistance.
Visions of train tracks and tall buildings circle in her mind; depression is a hard disease to mend.
This family is a shattered window, trying to see what’s outside, but stuck behind the shards.
Normalities and sanity fly away like a blown away house of playing cards.


Normalities and sanity fly away like a blown away house of playing cards.
Disastrous days turn into calamitous nights with flashing lights outside of their windows.
Mistaken miscommunication make lightless eyes only see darker lows.
She held her scars and agony in front of her face like a public display of placards.
Sullen words and a swollen soul only wanted somebody to listen, but to no avail.
Finally, the rails on the tracks and the kitchen knives were glimmering more than ever before.
Trials to remedy the torment turned into trips in the ambulance to heal her core.
Neglect of the truth mixed her mind into a destructive molotov c***tail.
Suddenly, the dimming light that was her life flickered, and shone brighter.
Her heart turned into the hardened bark on trees and her blood was like a flowing river,
Pumping energy into her inner layers; she summited mountains of strain and became a caregiver.
With worry and woe as her enemy, she went through the worst and became a wondrous fighter.
One of the hardest challenges a human can face
Is to find the power within oneself to change and find their place.


Is to find the power within oneself to change and find their place
Worth all of the struggle and pain?
Finding the reason to heal herself was much easier than hiking any of the roughest terrain.
The first time she felt real love and care in her life was something that could replace
All of the deep ravines of hurtful memories that had shaped her canyon of life.
Finding her purpose, her soul was at peace with the living things she cared for.
Like an eagle learning to fly, she waivered at first but then she could soar.
Thriving in place away from home, she escaped all of her previous strife.
Her horizons of hope had no limits, her heart discovered the harmony that was inside of her all along.
She grew up believing that she had to be unique and keen
But after learning about what life truly was she decided to be a cog in a machine;
Going to bed at night and thinking about all she has turned right from wrong,
She ponders about how her life turned around from a sad beginning to a fresh start.
She woke up with light eyes and a heavy heart.

The author's comments:

IMPORTANT: The format of this poem is a Crown of Sonnets. All 3 sonnets connect with each other and have a unique rhyme scheme.


I was writing about my life. I hope people can read this and understand my story and be able to emphasize with it.

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