Lost Love | Teen Ink

Lost Love

January 16, 2016
By bradfordlin BRONZE, Kings Point, New York
bradfordlin BRONZE, Kings Point, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lost the touch of your gentle embrace,
Thinking that you could take me forever.
Took it too fast, I thought it was a race;
Now see your face again I will never.


I beg you unclench your delicate fists,
For I can’t revert to what I once was.
Crave for the past, think about what I missed;
Think about you, think about my own flaws.


O’, your eyes reflect my deepest yearnings,
Your jet-black hair may keep me up all night.
I can’t sleep, thoughts of you keep me stirring;
As I am losing you, my heart’s contrite.


Walking the cold streets of stygian midnight,
Thinking of your tenderness under moonlight.

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