Autumnal Depth | Teen Ink

Autumnal Depth

January 11, 2016
By domenica.dillon SILVER, Amesbury, Massachusetts
domenica.dillon SILVER, Amesbury, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fearsome whistling against fogged up window

Crunchy rustling of orange leaves outside

Chipmunks in search for darkened hole to hide

Pedestrians ignoring threats of snow

Flames licking the kettle below

Scent of cider drifting like a guide

Lightly strutting in fuzzy socks with pride

Watching as nature ceased to grow

Cracking a window open for the chance

To feel the breeze run through fine hair

To see those red maple leaves dance

It was an oncoming day soft and fair

And too profound, too intimate to share

Fallen into autumn’s most special trance

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