Choosen By You | Teen Ink

Choosen By You

January 11, 2016
Sapphirewolf99 BRONZE, ~, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How could I hide a love this real,
When I hold it in my heart so deep;
No way to hide the way I feel,
Like I was given a secret I just can't keep;
I've often stopped and pondered,
Why You never walk away;
Even though I've wondered,
And tend to lose my way;
After the ups and downs I've been through,
It's still a mystery;
How someone like You,
Could ever choose to love me;
My hope is in You and nothing less,
My heart forever marvels at Your righteousness.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for school, but it holds very personal meaning to me. 

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