Escaping Madness | Teen Ink

Escaping Madness

December 14, 2015
By SarahPetrone BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
SarahPetrone BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1  Time my love, our time is ticking away so quickly  

2  My dear, My darling, what on earth are we to do?  
3  The only choice: to flee, for this is getting tricky.  
4  And if we cannot be together, I’ll be quite blue.  

5  You are the one I certainly can not live without.  
6  Rays of sunlight, are you, on the cloudiest of days.  
7  We shall make this work, I have no ounce of doubt.  
8  You dance swift like a river, sending me into a haze. 

9  So, my dear, meet me by the garden wall at midnight.  
10  Tick, tock, tick tock. The clock never stops ticking. 
11  All I want in this life is to see your eyes sparkle bright, 
12  So meet me at the wall, because we are not quitting. 

13  My sweet love, we can surely be together forever  
14  And here at the wall we will embark on our endeavor. 

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece during my humanities class when we were learning about Shakespeare's works.

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