The Beauty of Nature | Teen Ink

The Beauty of Nature

December 3, 2015
By CamBurkhart BRONZE, Decatur, Indiana
CamBurkhart BRONZE, Decatur, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nature is so beautiful all the time,

no matter what time or month of the year.
Nature is always there at anytime;
it makes people happy in times of tears.

Nature has many different colors;
all of the colors are pretty to see.
You can’t just buy this with any dollar;
it tends to fill people with lots of glee.

It’s cool to see all of the animals;
when they are in nature, they are in peace.
When caged they seem to be mechanical,
nature is the animals’ masterpiece.

Nature is one of the keys to our life,
we really should cherish the wildlife.

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