An ODE to my Son | Teen Ink

An ODE to my Son

May 29, 2015
By Kristen Nicole BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Kristen Nicole BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My son

My greatest achievement so far.

Fro the first ultrasound to the gender appointment

Your like luminous rays that shine light on my days.

I wait for that day where I can finally meet you ,

hold you and never let go.

Instead of hearing your strong heartbeat, hearing your sweet little coos

dealing with  smelly diapers at 3 AM

praying for that extra hour of sleep

but instead saying good morning to the sun as we taste our morning coffee.

I hope that one day I touch your heart just as you have touched mine

My son

My beautiful gift from god .

who lights up my days.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece was my little bundle of joy expected to arrive on August 8th. Although i havent met my son I already feel a bond towards him like no other. He is my world. I want to push myself just for him. What I want to get across to the reader is the fact that i am a teen mom. I know it wont be easy but it will all be worth it in the long run. 

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