when i play | Teen Ink

when i play

May 21, 2015
By jaqueline roman BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
jaqueline roman BRONZE, Junction City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Soccer is fun. I like competition.

I feel delighted when i win.

Center midfielder is my position.

The ball sometimes lands on my right shin.


When i kick the ball, i kick it with force,

because i want to get the ball on the goal.

I get that awful feelingin my soul,

when i miss the ball, i feel remorse.


Soccer is a distraction, i feel free.

There is nothing more wonderful than my team.

They are my inspiration to be.

I can count on them, they are my team.


Winning to the rival is victorious.

we dedicated our one hundred effort.

Giving our everything, we were laborious,

to finish the game. We will be befort.

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