Friends | Teen Ink


April 8, 2015
By Angela Coco BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Angela Coco BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A shoulder to cry on when you need it,
Unconditional support when needed.
To reignite your flame that was once lit,
To help calm you down when you are heated.

Whether right or wrong they are there for you,
Attached at the hip like a mom and child.
To pick you back up when you’re feeling blue,
Not real family cause’ you get too wild.

Push each other to high expectations,
Stand up for each other to show their love.
Because you can beat all limitations,
And fly with your ideas like a dove.

But is a job to keep the bond alive,
And conquer life together is a strive.

The author's comments:

Throughout high school, an individual comes across difficult circumstances and times. When I came across these times my friends were always there for me, and I am eternally gratefull for their love and support. 

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