My Struggle with Algebra | Teen Ink

My Struggle with Algebra

January 11, 2015
By Hunter DeSena BRONZE, Lutz, Florida
Hunter DeSena BRONZE, Lutz, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Algebra I don’t even know why I try
Who would when the most interesting thing we learn about is a rational root
I really wish I could put my teacher on mute
When I say I understand the material I’m telling a lie

Algebra makes people cry
Nothing about Algebra is cute
It’s the only reason I may not go to a nice college institute
Outside of the classroom Algebra will never apply

As you can tell I’m not a fan of math
It’s not leading me on the right path
I may not like Algebra because of my teacher
She is a rather odd creature
If I could throw something at her it would be a lime
Thankfully, algebra does not last a lifetime

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