Thine Belief | Teen Ink

Thine Belief

November 30, 2014
By MJN28 GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
MJN28 GOLD, Belleville, New Jersey
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is it that you truly put faith in?
Is it a single deity, or not?
Can you truly hear it if you listen?
Can it really save you from being shot?

He may put faith in the Devil himself.
You may put your faith in multiple gods.
He may believe in the little green elf.
You may believe in objects, like steel rods.

But does that mean you must start a crusade?
Simply because you have different faiths?
The original topic starts to fade,
and your bias makes you both into wraiths.

The faith of a man, should not be a man.
Hatred will only shorten your lifespan.

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