Runaway Phoenix | Teen Ink

Runaway Phoenix

November 25, 2014
By GreywolfBarnowl14 BRONZE, San Diego, California
GreywolfBarnowl14 BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
How can you outdo yourself when you can only keep getting better? (Source: Me)

I am a runaway,

running from my past.

I'm running to another day,

where my dreams may last.

I run from all i've done,

run from all I did.

I run towards the sun,

from where I always hid.

Now I'm pushed into war

where my vengence lies,

for I have a unsettled score

with the one I despise.

Last the blood will die,

and as the phoenix I will fly.

The author's comments:

This is a sonnet based on my newest book idea, in a way telling the story behind the main character.

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