Sonnet 1 | Teen Ink

Sonnet 1

October 20, 2014
By Jack Paley BRONZE, Princeton Junction, New Jersey
Jack Paley BRONZE, Princeton Junction, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sonnet 1
‘Tis the fountain of youth that preserves life.
Love is the ne’er ending fuel for thy heart,
It prevents thee from unbearable strife
And it makes sure that we never do part.
In it, thou seest thy water dancing high,
Shining bright, more valuable than gold.
And the e’er knots thou compliest to tie
Shall remain strong as thy snake’s deathly hold.
But ‘tis the opposite of thy black night,
Sustaining thy e’er breath. The formation
Of a script that every day we write.
Love, not just having one destination.
Thy fore’er love creates a stronger bond,
Which when compared to life, goes way beyond.

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