This World | Teen Ink

This World

May 19, 2014
By Allie Bautista BRONZE, Nort Richland Hills, Texas
Allie Bautista BRONZE, Nort Richland Hills, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I look out upon the still lifeless trees
I begin to question this extraordinary world
We’re all insane and never quite at ease
People would stare in awe if a little girl twirled
Yet would laugh if a boy fell to his knees

Oh how this world is so truly insane
We are all so mad with no one to blame
The people living here are stuck up and vain
It seems as if everyone here craves fame

People are oblivious to things around them
No one really seems to care what you think
We’re all looking for that one special gem
More people now a day have skin stained of ink
We all want a life link Barbie and ken

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