Brother | Teen Ink


April 19, 2014
By AshleighLynne SILVER, Buena Vista, Colorado
AshleighLynne SILVER, Buena Vista, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A brother makes a sisters best friend,
Growing together in age.
Though sometimes there may be rage,
The two lives can’t help but blend,
A brother and sister create their own trend.
Sometimes the pair feels stuck in a cage,
But each other’s feelings are simple to gage,
Though times come, but they will always be together in the end.
When needed a brother can be tender
He is the first person to protect his sister,
But, she too would die for him.
Brothers are their sisters’ defender
When the day comes he’ll give her first boyfriend a blood blister.
She would do anything as far as sewing back his limb.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because my brother is my best bud. We always been close and even through high school years we have managed to stay inseparable. I find our relationship to be strong and unique which makes it an easy topic to write about.

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