First Day of High School | Teen Ink

First Day of High School

April 12, 2014
By ethan52ashton BRONZE, San Diego, California
ethan52ashton BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

First start, first day, first class, new school, 9th grade,
It is my first day at a brand new school.
Trembling, flinching, and pale, I am afraid.
I should be at the beach or in a pool.

Science, English, and Health, new things to learn,
My Teachers helped me understand the words.
I was left with no extra time to burn.
I walked among the massive student herds.

“I think I like this place!” I said aloud.
I’m in the nest, where everyone belongs.
My predecessors would be very proud.
I’m happy when I hear the last bell’s “Dongs.”

I loved my first day at a brand new school;
My teachers they were kind and never cruel.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because the first day of high school was a momentous event in my teenage life. I was completely mortified when i walked through the front gates, and this poem is a recount of that time.

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This article has 2 comments.

Lucifer666 said...
on Apr. 21 2014 at 5:51 pm
Lucifer666, Hell, Other
0 articles 0 photos 63 comments
This is an okay writing. I believe it has much more potential, than displayed here. The idea behind the poem, and is obviously displayed throughout the pooem, is one that is commonly written, and sadly i didn't see the seperation from this poem, among others alikew it that I have read. Nevertheless, it was worth reading. You have redundancies in the first two lines, "First start, first day, first class, new school, 9th grade, It is my firsat day at a brand new school" it seemed a bit lazy, you just restated the sentence in a different form, as aforemwntioned and you could have been a bit more creative. And, creativity in this poem is there, but not at its full potential. I like how you said 9th grade was a momentous event in your life, and I can understand why, its great that you write abpout things that matter to you. This is only constructive criticism, and I know you have the potential to embed more creativity and eccentricity in your writing. You can discard my opinion, if you wish. Great job, few trhings needed to be worked on (as aforementioned) and I'm glad I was able to read this because I took a nostalgia trip in my memories. (Sorry for this novel, I tend to leave lengthy comments to fully analyze things, and collect all ofmy thoughts on something.)  

on Apr. 21 2014 at 5:35 pm
themajesticpoet BRONZE, Bloomington, Other
1 article 0 photos 14 comments
It is one if the best ways to recount a moment in history..... Its rhythm is good, and the story is well put together... Keep writing!