Its love | Teen Ink

Its love

March 27, 2014
By katewaldorf BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
katewaldorf BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love, some consider it a mystery
Because we cannot explain how it makes us feel
Some say it requires a sense of chemistry
Between two people that can heal
Some try to find it by going on dates
Hoping that it will make them feel some type of way
The truth is that it is never too late
You can feel it any type of day
I believe that love is an unexplainable thing
An extraordinary feeling that cannot be put into words
Later it can be symbolized by a ring
This I can only imagine by what I have heard
I wait until the day that this will be something I can see
United with one person, without a doubt in my mind that it was meant to be

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