The Story Of My Life | Teen Ink

The Story Of My Life

February 27, 2014
By TheGhostOfDavidKouns BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
TheGhostOfDavidKouns BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I didn't get much of my food ate"

From warmest Spring to the coldest Winter

Doth not the season’s awe compare to you?

You walk by and suddenly I splinter

Then sullenly I bid myself “Adieu”

I say “Hello” to myself every day

I fool myself into believing lies

I hear “Bon Jour” and sadly fade away

If only you could look into my eyes

The greatest need my heart should ever want

The only one I’ve ever dared to love

I see you; I cannot be nonchalant

My restless heart will fly up like a Dove

The last time I told you, you said I can’t

But this time I know in my heart I can

The author's comments:
Love is love
you can't explain it
you can't put it into words
it is the most complex of simplicities
it builds
it destroys
it is always there
simply waiting
simply longing
simply there.

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