My Special Interests and Hobbies | Teen Ink

My Special Interests and Hobbies

February 20, 2014
By Aneesha9897 BRONZE, Hackettstown, New Jersey
Aneesha9897 BRONZE, Hackettstown, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live your life to the fullest."

Mokshaa Dance Academy is my life
Dance is my passion but hurts like a knife
When I complete all the exercises
It always makes feel like I arise

I also love to use my voice to sing
Singing gives me a tingle on my ring
I always feel happy and full of joy
I know that I sing better than a boy

Another one of my hobbies is sports.
I play lots but never end up in court.
Never make a face, never do I frown.
Sports build me up but does not tear me down

Many hobbies do I have, practice, hard
But, does cheer me up when shown in a card!

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