Upon Remembrance | Teen Ink

Upon Remembrance

January 13, 2014
By FrodDaBrodo BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
FrodDaBrodo BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Upon remembrance the days grow grim
Upon remembrance of that time leads to pain
All the spent days wasting away the light grows dim
Lying in the faded light with nothing to gain

Never able to escape the memories of those days
The time spent never able to escape her gaze
Regret fills my thoughts unable to escape those ways
Day to day stuck in a looping haze

Upon remembrance time slows
Laughing, hugging, memories that are gone in wait
Upon remembrance of that face the haze grows
Remembrance of her laugh breaks this melancholy state

If only I could replay the time spent though my head
If only she wasn’t dead…

The author's comments:
It's a poem about regret in my life.

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