Infinite & Incomplete | Teen Ink

Infinite & Incomplete

November 20, 2013
By NervouslyNaive BRONZE, Bridgeport, Texas
NervouslyNaive BRONZE, Bridgeport, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scored by energy and only absent of friends.
Throwing comets into one another,
In an effort to create life, justify ends.
Created the stars, unconnected brothers.
Running toward completion, now sprinting.
Planets forming and coagulating, galaxy
The exhausted constellations say, hinting
An almighty cannot speak under the astral sea
The sick, vile, bodies of those painted in the sky, plead
Just for our race of self-loathing to gaze
And grab hold of ourselves, take lead
To look past the mandatory robotic haze
Life, sweet because it’s essential to believe
Metaphorical faith tempers relieve

The author's comments:
I wrote this with music blasting into my senses and emotion filling my fingers. I hope you liked it.

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