poetry time | Teen Ink

poetry time

September 21, 2013
By Anonymous

The two poems I wrote was about the memories I has of my grandfather who’s passed away three years ago. I remembered one summer when visited him; he has rows and rows of sunflowers growing in the field at his farm down south of Tennessee. They were bright yellow and full of life. Second poem, I am expressing my feeling on how life can be taken away from you so soon. To me he is too young to pass away. He was only 55.

Sunflower by E. Cantu
Oh, my bright yellow sunflower.
On his final hour.
The sun’s radiant light shines upon the man’s face with power.
The clouds overwhelm and devour.
On his final hour.

He dreams of her receiving their dower.
On his final hour.
He remembers kissing each other in the bower.
Oh, my bright yellow sunflower.
On his final hour.
Oh, my bright yellow sunflower.
You shines bright even in rain shower.
On his final hour.
You are his everlasting sunflower.
On his final hour.

Sweet Farewell by E. Cantu

How sweet and sorrow brings me today.
How I missed you because you can’t stay.
Memory of you fresh in my mind, like it was yesterday.
Why did you have to go away?
Without you I am astray.
My heart is aching when I think of you.
I hope you feel the same way too.
You just like a flying dove.

We will met again in heaven above.
For now I will says sweet farewell.

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