I've Came to my Senses | Teen Ink

I've Came to my Senses

July 14, 2013
By guwoop BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
guwoop BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Let’s come to our senses
Everybody and everything come to their senses
Let’s see, hear, touch, smell, and taste together

I was not looking
I cannot see
Darkness all around me
Black is all I see

I hear everything, but do not know what it is
Is it me or am I finally coming to my senses

I felt nothing but the couch
I was sitting there in a slouch
This is all I felt and touch
I know this is not too much

I didn’t taste anything
But sometimes I smell something
I know my mind is missing
That’s why I’m happy about my senses
Let’s come to our senses
Everybody and everything come to their senses
Let’s see, hear, touch, smell, and taste together

I was not looking
I cannot see
Darkness all around me
Black is all I see

I hear everything, but do not know what it is
Is it me or am I finally coming to my senses

I felt nothing but the couch
I was sitting there in a slouch
This is all I felt and touch
I know this is not too much

I didn’t taste anything
But sometimes I smell something
I know my mind is missing
That’s why I’m happy about my senses

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