Rainbows | Teen Ink


June 19, 2013
By Stephanie Black BRONZE, Hooksett, New Hampshire
Stephanie Black BRONZE, Hooksett, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gorgeous rainbows; like a pretty waterfall

They form high in the sky; symbols of joy

Nothing stops you; but an imaginary wall

Make you as happy as a kid with a toy

every spectacular color in it

in awe when looking up at the sight

Is it possible to go up and sit?

probably not, falling would be a fright

maybe soon I will see the pot of gold

at the bottom of it; shiny and new

guarding it is a leprechaun who’s old

if it is found it would be quite a view

as the day goes on it will go away

until all that’s left is a sky of gray…

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