Live For Today | Teen Ink

Live For Today

May 18, 2013
By caldale BRONZE, Sterling, Illinois
caldale BRONZE, Sterling, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I raise my chin to the sky,
the warmth kissing my nose.
I spread my arms out pretending to fly,
embracing the fresh wind that blows.
I smile,filled with content,
embracing my surroundings.
I am living for now and this moment.
Life is just filled with such beautiful things.
There is so much to give.
There is so much to do.
I am filled with urge to live.
Treat life as though it were brand new.
Remember to appreciate your blessings.
Take chances worthwhile.
One never knows what life brings,
but what ever it may bring, be sure to wear a smile.

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