I'm Still Going Strong | Teen Ink

I'm Still Going Strong

May 2, 2013
By Anonymous

Why do I insist that I am okay?
People only take my strength for granted.
You made me lie, and then you ran away,
Daddy don’t leave, Dad just say I chanted.

I’d lie and say that everything is fine.
You’d rather spend your days with your girlfriend,
Then with your blood, the place your vows had signed.
One day see, you’ll be sorry in the end.

No, you didn’t wish me happy birthday,
And you didn’t wipe my tears when I cried.
Maybe if you had the courage to stay,
You wouldn’t be so evil and so blind.

It’s all right though, ‘cause I’m still going strong,
In my heart I know, I did nothing wrong

The author's comments:
Kind of a personal one, about my father.

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