Faith | Teen Ink


April 12, 2013
By m.o.2013 BRONZE, Plymouth, Indiana
m.o.2013 BRONZE, Plymouth, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The lights sparkle and the pavement glistens.
As I run and hide the lights still flicker.
Emotions bursting but no one listens.
The wind howls and the pavement moves quicker.

The rain begins to dance masking my tears.
Clouds being to fight and the sky lights up.
I run from my confusion and fears.
My knees give out and I want to give up.

My shaking hands fold as I pray to God.
Ease my troubled mind! Free me from my sorrow!
My life is crumbling down, hopeless, and flawed.
Help me see what I may miss tomorrow.

Wind caresses my face like a soft kiss.
It whispers, “I've got you, let go of this.”

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