The Sonnet | Teen Ink

The Sonnet

April 8, 2013
By static113 BRONZE, Ellensburg, Washington
static113 BRONZE, Ellensburg, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was about to write a sonnet
And use some cheesy 'thou's and 'thee's
But I am still working on it
Procrastination's got the better of me

How hard is it to pen some fourteen lines?
Sonnets are neither difficult nor new
By now I wish I'd done what was assigned
By this point, this poem has long since been due

Three quatrains and a couplet are the base
Of Elizabethan sonnets, more or less
To spin a tale of marigolds and lace
There's not much room to stray or to digress

I guess, through this, that all I've done is stall
But hey, I've got a sonnet after all

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This article has 1 comment.

Jae186 said...
on Nov. 9 2014 at 7:15 am
It's awesome! I wanted an example like this for school work and you gave me a burst of inspiration. I never thought sonnets could be written like this.  Keep writing,                Jae186