Nature | Teen Ink


February 6, 2013
By Kevin Quintana BRONZE, Plymouth, Indiana
Kevin Quintana BRONZE, Plymouth, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are big yellow apples on the tree
I am going to the park for a meet
There’s four big old hives with big hungry bees
Hope I’m not sore from walking on my feet

The trees leaves are so bright there are way up there
Lakes are so clear you can see right thru it
Reach up high then jump high but missed by a hair
A buckets filled with fish but make it fit

The skies are so blue and no clouds to see
Happy kid walking down the old trail
Walking on the dirt fell and broke my knee
We can say this was a big old classic fail

The day is now over time to go home
Pack my bags up go back and find my phone

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