Unnoticed | Teen Ink


March 19, 2012
By Alejandra Guzman BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Alejandra Guzman BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am but a speck in his universe,
completely unnoticed by his being.
His beauty has put me under a curse,
if he were to leave it would be freeing.

No one has ever made me feel this way,
yet I have made him feel nothing at all.
A love returned is what I nightly pray,
I don't understand why in love I fall.

I wonder if he looks at another,
with the admiration as I do him.
His eyes set on me is what I rather,
the way I love him so must be a sin.

& though his heart will never beat for mine,
my love shall never fade ahead of time.

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