Just the Beginning | Teen Ink

Just the Beginning

February 24, 2011
By hcohen925 PLATINUM, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
hcohen925 PLATINUM, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
29 articles 3 photos 0 comments

They had met one night at an old café,
his eyes shyly met hers across the room.
Just for a moment did her sad eyes stay,
and turning his hopeful gaze into gloom.

But little did the young man know was that
she had built up walls to protect her heart.
She was too afraid to go near and chat
because of what had once torn her apart.

But he stayed hopeful, went over to her,
heart pounding and blood rushing inside him.
Of her reaction he could not be sure,
but all he had to go on was a whim.

He asked her to dance as the sun went down
and slowly but surely there was no frown

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