A Rainy Day | Teen Ink

A Rainy Day

June 14, 2010
By Bumblebee101 BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
Bumblebee101 BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The rain falls lightly on the lonely roof
Leaving with it a melancholy sound
A lone bird chirping in a place aloof
When its lover’s gone to a place not yet found

The raindrops splatter on forgotten roads
Trees sway to the rhythm told by the wind
As tiny beasts scurry to their abodes
While the tiny foot emerges chagrined

His face scrunched up, his hands balled into fists
Scanning his foyer, eyes lighting up bright
He felt on his hands the enchanting mists
He forgot his sorrows, such was the sight

“I love rain Mommy, it makes me alive”
“I’m glad you do Baby, though you’re just five”

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