Your love | Teen Ink

Your love

June 2, 2010
By phenomenalheart11 SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
phenomenalheart11 SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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If you remain humble and love unconditionally,you have have an abundance of joy.

When i am near you i feel a connection.
Your looks,your touch the way you love.
I am addicted to your affection

Close to you i long to be,
In your arm and in your heart
I am yours yes so completely
Your the healer of my scars

When your near i cant complain
What was lost can now be found
And with so much more to gain
So i must let love abound

I shall let this love prosper
Happily take what you have to offer!

The author's comments:
I love this one!!

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