Sad Life | Teen Ink

Sad Life

May 4, 2010
By TuckerXO BRONZE, Fulton, Missouri
TuckerXO BRONZE, Fulton, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Look the short one smoks"

In our world, there’s been nothing but pain
And all our lives we’ve done nothing but cry
Our tears always flowed like the poring rain
And no one has been there by our side

We pretend to be happy in front of others
While inside we are sad and torn apart
We will only hurt our self like all the other cutters
There is no one in the world that can fix our broken hearts

Most of us want to say our final goodbyes
It’s time to take our final breaths
We take a deep breath and close our eyes
All the pain in our life has caused our death

Since were long gone and passed away
No one will know us until they come our way

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece when i was feeling down.

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