I Saw You Today | Teen Ink

I Saw You Today

July 13, 2024
By RipleyFallz GOLD, Moscow, Pennsylvania
RipleyFallz GOLD, Moscow, Pennsylvania
10 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
The villian will always be the villian if the hero tells the story.

I saw you today 

And my heart skipped a beat

But not in the way it used too

Not in the you make me kick my feet and giggle sort of way

In the way that i wanted to start throwing up and crying right there and then

I saw you today

You didnt make eye contact with me i just watched as you walked by

I wanted to tell you how you broke my heart

I wanted you to feel guilty 

But you couldnt even acknowledge my existence, that said enough

I saw you today 

And i thought of all the things i might say

I could text you later but it might just be a waste of time 

I dont know what i would want you to say anyway

I dont want an apology but i dont want no answer i just want you to make things okay

I saw you today 

And i know your not in my life for the better

But i cant help but want to know who you are now

But we’ve both changed and nothing would feel the same

So for now, till i see you again 

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