Beauty Unseen By the Beholder | Teen Ink

Beauty Unseen By the Beholder

November 15, 2023
By eclark25 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
eclark25 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Shall I gaze upon your beauty such so,

A rose wilts in compare to you my dear.

Everyone knows it, such as the old crow.

But you never manage to see it near.

You counter and you wallow and you sigh,

But no matter what is done, you can’t see.

Not even if one screams, nor sees you cry.

But everyone else sees, even the bee.

For your beauty be sacred, and no less.

To have your hand would be my heart’s content,

I would be the luckiest man, so blessed.

I will always be for you, I’m hell bent.

But I will wait for you, so patiently

So I can witness when you do so see.

The author's comments:

Written in my Creative Writing Class about my boyfriend.

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