Fraynach's Obsession | Teen Ink

Fraynach's Obsession

March 11, 2022
By aLaS-it-is-me BRONZE, Tooele, Utah
aLaS-it-is-me BRONZE, Tooele, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoops. Now we know not to do that again.
Wait, I mean, ‘Oh, how did this happen?’
Definitely not me.

-Brehlm, the Broker

Did you know that I really like potatoes,

For they taste like good food for me to eat;

I have potatoes on each of my toes,

And when I show them they are called quite neat.

I have potatoes tipping on my nose,

And when I sleep they fall onto my sheet;

It rains potatoes whenever it snows,

And they stay there even in the sun’s heat.

Where they are they are not red tomatoes,

Occasionally I find them quite sweet;

They even spill out of large volcanoes,

Or even found knee deep in grey concrete.

But as much as I like a potato,

I would much rather have a tomato.

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