I wish I was dog | Teen Ink

I wish I was dog

February 7, 2022
By Anonymous

I wish I was a dog, lounging around all the time;

Running to the door when the doorbell chimes.

I’d have no responsibilities at all,

People would only expect me to chase a ball.

I would have my food served to me 

A great life I’ll live, you see?

Extroverted; running up to anyone I glimpse at

I want to be adored; good thing I’m not a bat.

Would love to be able to nap any time of the day

“Good girl!” or “come here!” is what they say.

Watching your favorite person walk through the door,

Definitely the best feeling for sure.

I wish I was a dog, you see?

such a content life for me

The author's comments:

This piece came to life because of my Creative writing teacher, we followed a format of "I wish I was..." I chose the topic of a dog.

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