Hope, in a Sonnet | Teen Ink

Hope, in a Sonnet

August 10, 2021
By Daniel_Zhang SILVER, Blairstown, New Jersey
Daniel_Zhang SILVER, Blairstown, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

COVID-19 the invader

Bringing pain to frightened victims,

Chaining houses with dwellers

Blowing out hope to merely a gleam.


Fear is nourished by panic,

The devil enticing people to give in.

Sorrow induces minds to be manic,

As death shows its hideous grin.


Blame, the generator of intolerance,

Sows the seed of doubt and distrust.

Conviction, the light blooming in darkness,

Maintains the fire of hope to never be drenched.


Impaired fate now gripped in hands

Finding a better future where our hope lands.

The author's comments:

This poem is for my will to fight against COVID-19.

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