Differences? | Teen Ink


February 5, 2021
By Bparks37 BRONZE, Goshen, Ohio
Bparks37 BRONZE, Goshen, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two mindsets, one is criminal one fair

(one murderous, and one cannibalistic),

From diff backgrounds of government and bare

The horrendous lifestyle lead be very realistic 

The law enforcement used from logic to due

The criminals in lock-up are what liked

To catch the serials (not loops of fruit)

To prevent killers, innocents from strike

The man, Hannibal Cannibal eats away 

His crime, faulty and while he murder stalls

The victims unfortunately no longer delay

The man is caught and stored in a mental hall

Hannibal Cannibal helps out with law

To find other murder, serial fault

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