When the Sun met the Sea | Teen Ink

When the Sun met the Sea

July 1, 2020
By bibliophagist23 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
bibliophagist23 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am very poorly today and very stupid and hate everybody and everything." - Charles Darwin

When the sun met the shore

It was love at first sight

The sun hoped for time, a little more

But he had to leave, until the following night


For a few precious seconds

The sky lit up gold

You could see up to the heavens

And the legends of old


Apollo’s affair with a nymph of the sea

Drove the sun straight into the tide

In the morning, leaving the water, letting it be

In mourning, never marrying his bride


The sun returns every night

To greet his love, and leaves at first light

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