Red like Roses | Teen Ink

Red like Roses

March 19, 2020
By Tigerlily123409876 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
Tigerlily123409876 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The hue of a rose makes a heart a flutter,

Such alluring danger to discover, a love impure ,

Throwing wood on fire only makes it hotter,

I must be a fool for I'm too close, and I'm bound to be burned, it’s the curse of a lover I must endure.


Such fiery passion you cannot deny,

Such a dangerous web it spins,

With a devious smile that sets your heart a fly,

With you in red I could never hope to win,


You are a rose, alluring and sweet,

But is hiding dangerous thorns,

So dangerous and bittersweet,

Your a angel with devil horns,


But you are a danger I cannot resist,

For I am willing to play with fire for only one kiss.

The author's comments:

My thoughts on the color red and how red speaks to me.

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