Lotus Lane | Teen Ink

Lotus Lane

March 18, 2020
By londonmb BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
londonmb BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I accept how the years pass,

It feels like there is no more.

For my age, I’m expected to act like glass.

If I start to crack, I should go rampant like a boar.

Who would believe the old woman on Lotus Lane

With the most experience of all?

The only lady without a cane,

Never anticipating a single fall.

For I sit on this chair for comfort, not to be weak.

The chair creaks salutations as I observe through my blinds

Busy passersby hurry along, oh what do they seek?

Life itself seems to fly by just as the youngins minds.

They say where knowing spirits await you, find your path

But I know whichever journey you take leaves aftermath.

The author's comments:

This sonnet was drafted with three main themes in mind: an elderly woman, a chair, and reflecting on themselves.

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