My Mom | Teen Ink

My Mom

December 6, 2019
By Anonymous

To the person who loves me most,

I must write this poem to boast.

Her love for me, one can not explain,

but can be seen through her hard work, sacrifice, and pain.

No matter what she will always care

and through it all she will always be there.

Even when she is beyond stressed,

she never forgets that she is blessed.

She always reminds me that I must pray,

and it will help my hardships go away,

She always knows how to make me laugh,

and will never miss an opportunity to take a photograph.

In her work she is always just and fair,

always remembering to care,

Throughout her life she has always been giving,

as she believes it is a standard of living.

She is always kind, 

and never hesitates to speak her mind.

The hardest worker that I know,

my mom will always continue to help me grow.

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