The Circle of Seasons | Teen Ink

The Circle of Seasons

April 22, 2019
By jtseager BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
jtseager BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The howling of wind throughout the trees
Cold winter night, snow atop the branches
A lone wolf prowling nowhere to be
The solidarity of the freeze.

Life flourishes, growing anew in the ice
Flowers sprouting- Spring has come
The butterflies and bees pollinate enticed
Saplings reaching towards the sky, they won’t succumb

Summer brings new sun and warmth
The forest bathed in golden light
Deep green of the leaves freshly transformed
Clack clack- Antlers locked in the proving fight

Life, Death, Rebirth again- cycling evermore
Be hopeful, stay strong, on the wings of an eagle soar

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