One Sole Candle | Teen Ink

One Sole Candle

March 29, 2019
By Constellationsofmemories BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
Constellationsofmemories BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“An idea that is not dangerous, is hardly worth being called an idea at all”-Oscar Wilde

One sole candle in the dark of the night, 
But the flame flickers and soon it will die.
And to think! once it shone so very bright.

And yet, still the Heavens refuse to cry,
Even as I release my final breathe,
And to my loved ones, I whisper, goodbye.

The candle, oh it flickers close to death!
Casting many a long, dark, deep shadow
Ever so softly I breathe out that breathe.

I can feel the heat of the fire below, 
I can feel its burning, stinging, evil bite,
On the road I must take I am solo.  

There is one thing left that makes me still fight;
One sole candle in the dark of the night.

The author's comments:

I wrote this at a time when I wasn’t doing that great, but I felt really accomplished making something out of my struggles.

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