The Road Ahead | Teen Ink

The Road Ahead

January 18, 2019
By Anonymous

When I first scanned the school it seemed too big.

A maze that I was scared to get lost in.

I was as fragile as a small little twig

not ready for this chapter to begin.


With one year in the books three more await.

This time around I conquered all my fears,

instead I hold a new feeling galore.

I no longer sleep I no longer eat.


Three years of stress done with a year to go.

Sleepless nights full of worksheets and packets,

long school days full of things I do not know

due to sleeping through all the racket.


As this chapter comes to an end this year

I have learned that the road ahead is clear.

The author's comments:

This piece was written for my poetry class. I wanted to write a poem that I could look back on years to come and remember what it was like to be in high school. This is my senior year and this poeom is about my journey through the four years.

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